Bibtex file with the publications listed below.


  1. TIGER: Temporally Improved Graph Entity Linker Zhang, Pengyu, Cao, Congfeng, and Groth, Paul In 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 24) 2024 [Link] [DOI:10.3233/faia240933] [Code]
  2. CYCLE: Cross-Year Contrastive Learning in Entity-Linking Zhang, Pengyu, Cao, Congfeng, Zaporojets, Klim, and Groth, Paul In Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 24) 2024 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3627673.3679702] [Code]
  3. Testing prompt engineering methods for knowledge extraction from text Polat, Fina, Tiddi, Ilaria, and Groth, Paul Semantic Web 2024 [Link] [DOI:10.3233/sw-243719]
  4. A Sparsity Principle for Partially Observable Causal Representation Learning Xu, Danru, Yao, Dingling, Lachapelle, Sébastien, Taslakian, Perouz, Kügelgen, Julius, Locatello, Francesco, and Magliacane, Sara International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2024 [Link]
  5. How different is different? Systematically identifying distribution shifts and their impacts in NER datasets Li, Xue, and Groth, Paul Language Resources and Evaluation 2024 [Link] [DOI:10.1007/s10579-024-09754-8]
  6. SHROOM-INDElab at SemEval-2024 Task 6: Zero- and Few-Shot LLM-Based Classification for Hallucination Detection Allen, Bradley P., Polat, Fina, and Groth, Paul In Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024) 2024 [Link] [Code]
  7. Towards Federated LLM-Powered CEP Rule Generation and Refinement Lotfian Delouee, Majid, Pernes, Daria G., Degeler, Victoria, and Koldehofe, Boris In The 18th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems (DEBS’24) 2024 [Abs] [Link]
  8. Towards Efficient Data Wrangling with LLMs using Code Generation Li, Xue, and Döhmen, Till In Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Data Management for End-to-End Machine Learning 2024 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3650203.3663334]
  9. Towards Interactively Improving ML Data Preparation Code via "Shadow Pipelines" Grafberger, Stefan, Groth, Paul, and Schelter, Sebastian In Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Data Management for End-to-End Machine Learning 2024 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3650203.3663327]
  10. Evaluating Class Membership Relations in Knowledge Graphs using Large Language Models Allen, Bradley P., and Groth, Paul T. In Proceedings of European Semantic Web Conference Special Track on Large Language Models for Knowledge Engineering 2024 [Link]
  11. Multi-View Causal Representation Learning with Partial Observability Yao, Dingling, Xu, Danru, Lachapelle, Sébastien, Magliacane, Sara, Taslakian, Perouz, Martius, Georg, Kügelgen, Julius, and Locatello, Francesco In The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations 2024 [Link] [ :tada: Spotlight Presentation ]
  12. Large-Scale Multipurpose Benchmark Datasets For Assessing Data-Driven Deep Learning Approaches For Water Distribution Networks Tello, Andrés, Truong, Huy, Lazovik, Alexander, and Degeler, Victoria In Engineering Proceedings 2024 [Abs] [Link] [Data]
  13. Directions Towards Efficient and Automated Data Wrangling with Large Language Models Zhang, Zeyu, Groth, Paul, Calixto, Iacer, and Schelter, Sebastian In 2024 IEEE 40th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW) 2024 [Link] [DOI:10.1109/ICDEW61823.2024.00044]
  14. Retrieval-based Question Answering with Passage Expansion Using a Knowledge Graph Kruit, Benno, Xu, Yiming, and Kalo, Jan-Christoph In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024) 2024 [Abs] [Link]
  15. SchemaPile: A Large Collection of Relational Database Schemas Döhmen, Till, Geacu, Radu, Hulsebos, Madelon, and Schelter, Sebastian Proc. ACM Manag. Data 2024 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3654975]
  16. Driving Towards Efficiency: Adaptive Resource-aware Clustered Federated Learning in Vehicular Networks Khalil, Ahmad, Lotfian Delouee, Majid, Degeler, Victoria, Meuser, Tobias, Fernandez Anta, Antonio, and Koldehofe, Boris In The 22nd Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet’24) 2024 [Abs] [Link]
  17. Evaluating FAIR Digital Object and Linked Data as distributed object systems Soiland-Reyes, Stian, Goble, Carole, and Groth, Paul PeerJ Computer Science 2024 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.7717/peerj-cs.1781] [Data]
  18. Ontologies in digital twins: A systematic literature review Karabulut, Erkan, Pileggi, Salvatore F., Groth, Paul, and Degeler, Victoria Future Generation Computer Systems 2024 [Link] [DOI:10.1016/j.future.2023.12.013] [Data]
  19. Empirical ontology design patterns and shapes from Wikidata Carriero, Valentina Anita, Groth, Paul, and Presutti, Valentina Semantic Web 2024 [Link] [DOI:10.3233/sw-243613]
  20. Assisted design of data science pipelines Redyuk, Sergey, Kaoudi, Zoi, Schelter, Sebastian, and Markl, Volker The VLDB Journal 2024 [Link] [DOI:10.1007/s00778-024-00835-2]
  21. Table Representation Learning Hulsebos, Madelon 2024 [Link]
  22. Domain Generalization in Time Series Forecasting Deng, Songgaojun, Sprangers, Olivier, Li, Ming, Schelter, Sebastian, and Rijke, Maarten ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data 2024 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3643035]
  23. Red Onions, Soft Cheese and Data: From Food Safety to Data Traceability for Responsible AI Grafberger, Stefan, Zhang, Zeyu, Schelter, Sebastian, and Zhang, Ce IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin 2024 [Link]
  24. Large-Scale Forecasting of Electric Vehicle Charging Demand Using Global Time Series Modeling Etten, Tijmen, Degeler, Victoria, and Luo, Ding In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems 2024 [Link] [DOI:10.5220/0012555400003702]
  25. Graph Neural Networks for Pressure Estimation in Water Distribution Systems Truong, Huy, Tello, Andrés, Lazovik, Alexander, and Degeler, Victoria Water Resources Research 2024 [Link]
  26. Standardizing Knowledge Engineering Practices with a Reference Architecture Allen, Bradley P., and Ilievski, Filip Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge 2024 [Link] [DOI:10.4230/TGDK.2.1.5]
  27. Data Debugging with Shapley Importance over Machine Learning Pipelines Karlaš, Bojan, Dao, David, Interlandi, Matteo, Schelter, Sebastian, Wu, Wentao, and Zhang, Ce In The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations 2024 [Link]
  28. Too Good To Be True: accuracy overestimation in (re)current practices for Human Activity Recognition Tello, Andrés, Degeler, Victoria, and Lazovik, Alexander In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops) 2024 [DOI:10.1109/PerComWorkshops59983.2024.10503465]
  29. Automated Data Cleaning Can Hurt Fairness in Machine Learning-based Decision Making Guha, Shubha, Khan, Falaah Arif, Stoyanovich, Julia, and Schelter, Sebastian IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 2024 [Link] [DOI:10.1109/TKDE.2024.3365524]


  1. BioBLP: a modular framework for learning on multimodal biomedical knowledge graphs Daza, Daniel, Alivanistos, Dimitrios, Mitra, Payal, Pijnenburg, Thom, Cochez, Michael, and Groth, Paul Journal of Biomedical Semantics 2023 [Link] [DOI:10.1186/s13326-023-00301-y] [Code] [Data]
  2. APP-CEP: Adaptive Pattern-level Privacy Protection in Complex Event Processing Systems Lotfian Delouee, Majid, Degeler, Victoria, Amthor, Peter, and Koldehofe, Boris In 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP’24) 2023 [Abs] [Link]
  3. Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs: Opportunities and Challenges Pan, Jeff Z., Razniewski, Simon, Kalo, Jan-Christoph, Singhania, Sneha, Chen, Jiaoyan, Dietze, Stefan, Jabeen, Hajira, Omeliyanenko, Janna, Zhang, Wen, Lissandrini, Matteo, Biswas, Russa, Melo, Gerard, Bonifati, Angela, Vakaj, Edlira, Dragoni, Mauro, and Graux, Damien Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge 2023 [Link] [DOI:10.4230/TGDK.1.1.2]
  4. Evaluating the Knowledge Base Completion Potential of GPT Veseli, Blerta, Razniewski, Simon, Kalo, Jan-Christoph, and Weikum, Gerhard In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.18653/v1/2023.findings-emnlp.426]
  5. A-NeSI: A Scalable Approximate Method for Probabilistic Neurosymbolic Inference Krieken, Emile, Thanapalasingam, Thiviyan, Tomczak, Jakub M., Harmelen, Frank Van, and Teije, Annette Ten In Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2023 [arXiv] [Link]
  6. Adapting Neural Link Predictors for Data-Efficient Complex Query Answering Arakelyan, Erik, Minervini, Pasquale, Daza, Daniel, Cochez, Michael, and Augenstein, Isabelle In Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2023 [arXiv] [Link]
  7. Observatory: Characterizing Embeddings of Relational Tables Cong, Tianji, Hulsebos, Madelon, Sun, Zhenjie, Groth, Paul, and Jagadish, H. V. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 2023 [Link] [DOI:10.14778/3636218.3636237]
  8. Knowledge Engineering Using Large Language Models Allen, Bradley P., Stork, Lise, and Groth, Paul Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge 2023 [Link] [DOI:10.4230/TGDK.1.1.3]
  9. Preface: LM-KBC Challenge 2023 Sneha Singhania, Jan-Christoph Kalo, Simon Razniewski, Jeff Z. Pan In Joint proceedings of the 1st workshop on Knowledge Base Construction from Pre-Trained Language Models (KBC-LM) and the 2nd challenge on Language Models for Knowledge Base Construction (LM-KBC) 2023 [Link]
  10. Do Instruction-tuned Large Language Models Help with Relation Extraction? Li, Xue, Polat, Fina, and Groth, Paul In KBC-LM’23: Knowledge Base Construction from Pre-trained Language Models workshop at ISWC 2023 2023 [Link] [Code]
  11. Knowledge-centric Prompt Composition for Knowledge Base Construction from Pre-trained Language Models Li, Xue, Hughes, Anthony, Llugiqi, Majlinda, Polat, Fina, Groth, Paul, and Ekaputra, Fajar J. In KBC-LM’23: Knowledge Base Construction from Pre-trained Language Models workshop at ISWC 2023 2023 [Link] [Code]
  12. Semantic Association Rule Learning from Time Series Data and Knowledge Graphs Karabulut, Erkan, Degeler, Victoria, and Groth1, Paul In SemIIM’23: 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Industrial Information Modelling co-located with 22nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2023) 2023 [arXiv] [Link]
  13. Mlwhatif: What If You Could Stop Re-Implementing Your Machine Learning Pipeline Analyses over and Over? Grafberger, Stefan, Guha, Shubha, Groth, Paul, and Schelter, Sebastian Proc. VLDB Endow. 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.14778/3611540.3611606] [Code]
  14. Improving Graph-to-Text Generation Using Cycle Training Polat, Fina, Tiddi, Ilaria, Groth, Paul, and Vossen, Piek In Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge 2023 [Link]
  15. Harnessing the Web and Knowledge Graphs for Automated Impact Investing Scoring Hu, Qingzhi, Daza, Daniel, Swinkels, Laurens, Usaite, Kristina, Hoen, Robbert-Jan, and Groth, Paul In KDD Fragile Earth Workshop 2023 [Link] [DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2308.02622]
  16. An approach for analysing the impact of data integration on complex network diffusion models Nevin, James, Groth, Paul, and Lees, Michael Journal of Complex Networks 2023 [Link] [DOI:10.1093/comnet/cnad025] [Code]
  17. Self-Contained Entity Discovery from Captioned Videos Ayoughi, Melika, Mettes, Pascal, and Groth, Paul ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl. 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3583138]
  18. Data journeys: Explaining AI workflows through abstraction Daga, Enrico, and Groth, Paul Semantic Web 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.3233/sw-233407]
  19. Automating and Optimizing Data-Centric What-If Analyses on Native Machine Learning Pipelines Grafberger, Stefan, Groth, Paul, and Schelter, Sebastian Proc. ACM Manag. of Data 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3589273]
  20. GitTables: A Large-Scale Corpus of Relational Tables Hulsebos, Madelon, Demiralp, Çagatay, and Groth, Paul Proc. ACM Manag. Data 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3588710]
  21. AQuA-CEP: Adaptive Quality-Aware Complex Event Processing in the Internet of Things Lotfian Delouee, Majid, Koldehofe, Boris, and Degeler, Viktoriya In The 17th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS 2023) 2023 [Abs] [Link]
  22. An Analysis of Machine Learning-Based Semantic Matchmaking Karabulut, Erkan, and Sofia, Rute C. IEEE Access 2023 [DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3259360] [Code]
  23. How to Make an Outlier? Studying the Effect of Presentational Features on the Outlierness of Items in Product Search Results Sarvi, Fatemeh, Aliannejadi, Mohammad, Schelter, Sebastian, and Rijke, Maarten In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3576840.3578278]
  24. The Mysterious User of Research Data: Knitting Together Science and Technology Studies with Information and Computer Science Gregory, Kathleen, Groth, Paul, Scharnhorst, Andrea, and Wyatt, Sally 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-11108-2_11]
  25. SemTab 2022: Proceedings of the Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching, co-located with the 21st International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2022, Virtual conference, October 23-27, 2022 2023 [Link]
  26. E2EG: End-to-End Node Classification Using Graph Topology and Text-based Node Attributes Dinh, Tu Anh, Boef, Jeroen, Cornelisse, Joran, and Groth, Paul In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW) 2023 [DOI:10.1109/ICDMW60847.2023.00142]
  27. Towards Declarative Systems for Data-Centric Machine Learning Grafberger, Stefan, Karlaš, Bojan, Groth, Paul, and Schelter, Sebastian In Proceedings of the Data-Centric Machine Learning Research work- shop (DMLR) at ICML, 2023 2023 [Link]
  28. Approximate Answering of Graph Queries Cochez, Michael, Alivanistos, Dimitrios, Arakelyan, Erik, Berrendorf, Max, Daza, Daniel, Galkin, Mikhail, Minervini, Pasquale, Niepert, Mathias, and Ren, Hongyu 2023 [Link] [DOI:10.3233/FAIA230149]
  29. Reasoning beyond Triples: Recent Advances in Knowledge Graph Embeddings Xiong, Bo, Nayyeri, Mojtaba, Daza, Daniel, and Cochez, Michael In Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2023, Birmingham, United Kingdom, October 21-25, 2023 2023 [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3583780.3615294]
  30. Reconstructing and Querying ML Pipeline Intermediates Schelter, Sebastian In 13th Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, CIDR 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 8-11, 2023 2023 [Link]
  31. Figure of Speech Detection and Generation as a Service in IDN Authoring Support Akkerman, Simon, and Nack, Frank 2023 [Link] [DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-47658-7_8]
  32. Empowering Machine Learning Development with Service-Oriented Computing Principles Yousefi, Mostafa Hadadian Nejad, Degeler, Viktoriya, and Lazovik, Alexander In Service-Oriented Computing 2023 [Abs]
  33. Results of SemTab 2023 Hassanzadeh, Oktie, Abdelmageed, Nora, Efthymiou, Vasilis, Chen, Jiaoyan, Cutrona, Vincenzo, Hulsebos, Madelon, Jiménez-Ruiz, Ernesto, Khatiwada, Aamod, Korini, Keti, Kruit, Benno, Sequeda, Juan, and Srinivas, Kavitha In Proceedings of the Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching, SemTab 2023, co-located with the 22nd International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2023, Athens, Greece, November 6-10, 2023 2023 [Link]
  34. Introducing the Observatory Library for End-to-End Table Embedding Inference Cong, Tianji, Sun, Zhenjie, Groth, Paul, Jagadish, H., and Hulsebos, Madelon In NeurIPS 2023 Second Table Representation Learning Workshop 2023 [Link]
  35. Automated Data Cleaning Can Hurt Fairness in Machine Learning-based Decision Making Guha, Shubha, Khan, Falaah Arif, Stoyanovich, Julia, and Schelter, Sebastian In 2023 IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2023 [DOI:10.1109/ICDE55515.2023.00303] [Code]
  36. Forget Me Now: Fast and Exact Unlearning in Neighborhood-Based Recommendation Schelter, Sebastian, Ariannezhad, Mozhdeh, and Rijke, Maarten In Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3539618.3591989]
  37. Data Integration Landscapes: The Case for Non-optimal Solutions in Network Diffusion Models Nevin, James, Groth, Paul, and Lees, Michael In Computational Science – ICCS 2023 2023 [Abs] [DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-35995-8_35]
  38. Proactively Screening Machine Learning Pipelines with ARGUSEYES Schelter, Sebastian, Grafberger, Stefan, Guha, Shubha, Karlas, Bojan, and Zhang, Ce In Companion of the 2023 International Conference on Management of Data 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3555041.3589682] [ :tada: 2nd Place Demo ]
  39. Seventh Workshop on Data Management for End-to-End Machine Learning (DEEM) Boehm, Matthias, Hulsebos, Madelon, Shankar, Shreya, and Varma, Paroma In Companion of the 2023 International Conference on Management of Data 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3555041.3590819]
  40. Models and Practice of Neural Table Representations Hulsebos, Madelon, Deng, Xiang, Sun, Huan, and Papotti, Paolo In Companion of the 2023 International Conference on Management of Data 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3555041.3589411]
  41. Provenance Tracking for End-to-End Machine Learning Pipelines Grafberger, Stefan, Groth, Paul, and Schelter, Sebastian In Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 2023 [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3543873.3587557]
  42. A Simulation Environment and Reinforcement Learning Method for Waste Reduction Jullien, Sami, Ariannezhad, Mozhdeh, Groth, Paul, and Rijke, Maarten Transactions on Machine Learning Research 2023 [Link]
  43. Knowledge Graphs and their Role in the Knowledge Engineering of the 21st Century (Dagstuhl Seminar 22372) Groth, Paul, Simperl, Elena, Erp, Marieke, and Vrandečić, Denny Dagstuhl Reports 2023 [Link] [DOI:10.4230/DagRep.12.9.60]
  44. Poster: Towards Pattern-Level Privacy Protection in Distributed Complex Event Processing Lotfian Delouee, Majid, Koldehofe, Boris, and Degeler, Viktoriya In Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems 2023 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3583678.3603278]
  45. Parameter Efficient Node Classification on Homophilic Graphs Prieto, Lucas, Boef, Jeroen Den, Groth, Paul, and Cornelisse, Joran Transactions on Machine Learning Research 2023 [Link] [Code]


  1. Relational graph convolutional networks: a closer look Thanapalasingam, Thiviyan, Berkel, Lucas, Bloem, Peter, and Groth, Paul PeerJ Computer Science 2022 [Link] [DOI:10.7717/peerj-cs.1073]
  2. Question Answering with Additive Restrictive Training (QuAART): Question Answering for the Rapid Development of New Knowledge Extraction Pipelines Harper, Corey A., Daniel, Ron, and Groth, Paul In Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW) 2022 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-17105-5_4]
  3. Serenade - Low-Latency Session-Based Recommendation in e-Commerce at Scale Kersbergen, Barrie, Sprangers, Olivier, and Schelter, Sebastian In Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Management of Data 2022 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3514221.3517901]
  4. Towards Data-Centric What-If Analysis for Native Machine Learning Pipelines Grafberger, Stefan, Groth, Paul, and Schelter, Sebastian In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Data Management for End-To-End Machine Learning 2022 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3533028.3533303]
  5. Responsible Data Management Stoyanovich, Julia, Abiteboul, Serge, Howe, Bill, Jagadish, H. V., and Schelter, Sebastian Communications of the ACM 2022 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3488717]
  6. SlotGAN: Detecting Mentions in Text via Adversarial Distant Learning Daza, Daniel, Cochez, Michael, and Groth, Paul In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP 2022 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.18653/v1/2022.spnlp-1.4]
  7. CITRIS: Causal Identifiability from Temporal Intervened Sequences Lippe, Phillip, Magliacane, Sara, Löwe, Sindy, Asano, Yuki M., Cohen, Taco, and Gavves, Efstratios In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2022 [arXiv]
  8. Methods Included Crusoe, Michael R., Abeln, Sanne, Iosup, Alexandru, Amstutz, Peter, Chilton, John, Tijanić, Nebojša, Ménager, Hervé, Soiland-Reyes, Stian, Gavrilović, Bogdan, Goble, Carole, and The CWL Community, Communications of the ACM 2022 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3486897]
  9. Making Canonical Workflow Building Blocks Interoperable across Workflow Languages Soiland-Reyes, Stian, Bayarri, Genís, Andrio, Pau, Long, Robin, Lowe, Douglas, Niewielska, Ania, Hospital, Adam, and Groth, Paul Data Intelligence 2022 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1162/dint_a_00135]
  10. Letter from the Special Issue Editor Schelter, Sebastian IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin (Special issue on Directions Towards GDPR-Compliant Data Systems and Applications) 2022 [Link]
  11. Defining a Knowledge Graph Development Process Through a Systematic Review Tamašauskaitundefined, Gytundefined, and Groth, Paul ACM Transactios on Software Engineering and Methodology 2022 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3522586]
  12. Packaging research artefacts with RO-Crate Soiland-Reyes, Stian, Sefton, Peter, Crosas, Mercè, Castro, Leyla Jael, Coppens, Frederik, Fernández, José M., Garijo, Daniel, Grüning, Björn, La Rosa, Marco, Leo, Simone, and al., Data Science 2022 [Link] [DOI:10.3233/DS-210053]
  13. Data distribution debugging in machine learning pipelines Grafberger, Stefan, Groth, Paul, Stoyanovich, Julia, and Schelter, Sebastian The VLDB Journal 2022 [Link] [DOI:10.1007/s00778-021-00726-w]
  14. Structure-based knowledge acquisition from electronic lab notebooks for research data provenance documentation Schröder, Max, Staehlke, Susanne, Groth, Paul, Nebe, J. Barbara, Spors, Sascha, and Krüger, Frank Journal of Biomedical Semantics 2022 [Link] [DOI:10.1186/s13326-021-00257-x]
  15. Screening Native Machine Learning Pipelines with ArgusEyes Schelter, Sebastian, Grafberger, Stefan, Guha, Shubha, Sprangers, Olivier, Karlas, Bojan, and Zhang, Ce In 12th Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, CIDR 2022, Chaminade, CA, USA, January 9-12, 2022 2022 [Link]
  16. The Semantic Web - 19th International Conference, ESWC 2022, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 29 - June 2, 2022, Proceedings 2022 [Link] [DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-06981-9]
  17. Towards improving Wikidata reuse with emerging patterns Carriero, Valentina Anita, Groth, Paul, and Presutti, Valentina In Proceedings of the 3rd Wikidata Workshop 2022 co-located with the 21st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2022), Virtual Event, Hanghzou, China, October 2022 2022 [Link]
  18. Proceedings of the Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching co-located with the 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021), Virtual conference, October 27, 2021 Jiménez-Ruiz, Ernesto, Efthymiou, Vasilis, Chen, Jiaoyan, Cutrona, Vincenzo, Hassanzadeh, Oktie, Sequeda, Juan, Srinivas, Kavitha, Abdelmageed, Nora, Hulsebos, Madelon, Oliveira, Daniela, and Pesquita, Catia 2022 [Link]
  19. AdaRL: What, Where, and How to Adapt in Transfer Reinforcement Learning Huang, Biwei, Feng, Fan, Lu, Chaochao, Magliacane, Sara, and Zhang, Kun In International Conference on Learning Representations 2022 [Link] [ :tada: Spotlight Presentation ]
  20. Towards Parameter-Efficient Automation of Data Wrangling Tasks with Prefix-Tuning Vos, David, Döhmen, Till, and Schelter, Sebastian In NeurIPS 2022 First Table Representation Workshop 2022 [Link]
  21. GitSchemas: A Dataset for Automating Relational Data Preparation Tasks Döhmen, Till, Hulsebos, Madelon, Beecks, Christian, and Schelter, Sebastian In 2022 IEEE 38th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW) 2022 [Link] [DOI:10.1109/ICDEW55742.2022.00016]
  22. Making Table Understanding Work in Practice Hulsebos, Madelon, Gathani, Sneha, Gale, James, Dillig, Isil, Groth, Paul, and Demiralp, In 12th Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, CIDR 2022, Chaminade, CA, USA, January 9-12, 2022 2022 [Link]


  1. The non-linear impact of data handling on network diffusion models Nevin, James, Lees, Michael, and Groth, Paul Patterns 2021 [Link] [DOI:10.1016/j.patter.2021.100397]
  2. GraphPOPE: Retaining Structural Graph Information Using Position-aware Node Embeddings Boef, Jeroen Den, Cornelisse, Joran, and Groth, Paul In Proceedings of the Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs (DL4KG 2021) 2021 [Link]
  3. Quality Assessment of Knowledge Graph Hierarchies using KG-BERT Szarkowska, Kinga, Moore, Veronique, Vandenbussche, Pierre-Yves, and Groth, Paul In Proceedings of the Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs (DL4KG 2021) 2021 [Link]
  4. Perspectives on automated composition of workflows in the life sciences Lamprecht, Anna-Lena, Palmblad, Magnus, Ison, Jon, Schwämmle, Veit, Manir, Mohammad Sadnan Al, Altintas, Ilkay, Baker, Christopher J. O., Amor, Ammar Ben Hadj, Capella-Gutierrez, Salvador, Charonyktakis, Paulos, Crusoe, Michael R., Gil, Yolanda, Goble, Carole, Griffin, Timothy J., Groth, Paul, Ienasescu, Hans, Jagtap, Pratik, Kalaš, Matúš, Kasalica, Vedran, Khanteymoori, Alireza, Kuhn, Tobias, Mei, Hailiang, Ménager, Hervé, Möller, Steffen, Richardson, Robin A., Robert, Vincent, Soiland-Reyes, Stian, Stevens, Robert, Szaniszlo, Szoke, Verberne, Suzan, Verhoeven, Aswin, and Wolstencroft, Katherine F1000Research 2021 [Link] [DOI:10.12688/f1000research.54159.1]
  5. SemEval-2021 Task 8: MeasEval – Extracting Counts and Measurements and their Related Contexts Harper, Corey, Cox, Jessica, Kohler, Curt, Scerri, Antony, Daniel Jr., Ron, and Groth, Paul In Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021) 2021 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.18653/v1/2021.semeval-1.38] [ :tada: SemEval 2021 Best Task Paper ]
  6. Further with Knowledge Graphs: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 6–9 September 2021, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2021 [Link] [DOI:10.3233/SSW53]
  7. Reinforcement Learning–Based Collective Entity Alignment with Adaptive Features Zeng, Weixin, Zhao, Xiang, Tang, Jiuyang, Lin, Xuemin, and Groth, Paul ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 2021 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3446428]
  8. Learnings from a Retail Recommendation System on Billions of Interactions at Kersbergen, B., and Schelter, S. In 2021 IEEE 37th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2021 [Link] [DOI:10.1109/ICDE51399.2021.00277]
  9. Inductive Entity Representations from Text via Link Prediction Daza, Daniel, Cochez, Michael, and Groth, Paul In Proceedings of The Web Conference 2021 [arXiv] [DOI:10.1145/3442381.3450141] [Code]
  10. Letter from the Special Issue Editor Schelter, Sebastian IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin (Special issue on Data validation for machine learning models and applications) 2021 [Link]
  11. Complex Query Answering with Neural Link Predictors Arakelyan, Erik, Daza, Daniel, Minervini, Pasquale, and Cochez, Michael In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2021 [arXiv] [Link] [ :tada: Outstanding Paper Award ICLR 2021 ]
  12. Taming Technical Bias in Machine Learning Pipelines Schelter, Sebastian, and Stoyanovich, Julia IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin (Special Issue on Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Fairness and Artificial Intelligence Systems) 2021 [Link]
  13. Talking datasets – Understanding data sensemaking behaviours Koesten, Laura, Gregory, Kathleen, Groth, Paul, and Simperl, Elena International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 2021 [Abs] [arXiv] [Link] [DOI:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2020.102562]
  14. The Challenges of Cross-Document Coreference Resolution for Email Li, Xue, Magliacane, Sara, and Groth, Paul In Proceedings of the 11th on Knowledge Capture Conference 2021 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3460210.3493573]
  15. Supporting Ontology Maintenance with Contextual Word Embeddings and Maximum Mean Discrepancy Shroff, Natasha, Vandenbussche, Pierre-Yves, Moore, Véronique, and Groth, Paul In Joint Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Deep Learning meets Ontologies and Natural Language Processing (DeepOntoNLP 2021) & 6th International Workshop on Explainable Sentiment Mining and Emotion Detection (X-SENTIMENT 2021) co-located with co-located with 18th Extended Semantic Web Conference 2021, Hersonissos, Greece, June 6th - 7th, 2021 (moved online) 2021 [Link]
  16. Proceedings of Machine Learning with Symbolic Methods and Knowledge Graphs co-located with European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2021), Virtual, September 17, 2021 Alam, Mehwish, Ali, Mehdi, Groth, Paul, Hitzler, Pascal, Lehmann, Jens, Paulheim, Heiko, Rettinger, Achim, Sack, Harald, Sadeghi, Afshin, and Tresp, Volker 2021 [Link]
  17. Verifiably Safe Exploration for End-to-End Reinforcement Learning Hunt, Nathan, Fulton, Nathan, Magliacane, Sara, Hoang, Trong Nghia, Das, Subhro, and Solar-Lezama, Armando In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2021 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3447928.3456653] [ :tada: Best Paper Award ACM HSCC 2021 ]
  18. Summary of Tutorials at The Web Conference 2021 West, Robert, Bhagat, Smriti, Groth, Paul, Zitnik, Marinka, Couto, Francisco M., Lisena, Pasquale, Meroño-Peñuela, Albert, Zhao, Xiangyu, Fan, Wenqi, Yin, Dawei, Tang, Jiliang, Shou, Linjun, Gong, Ming, Pei, Jian, Geng, Xiubo, Zhou, Xingjie, Jiang, Daxin, Ricaud, Benjamin, Aspert, Nicolas, Miz, Volodymyr, Dy, Jennifer, Ioannidis, Stratis, Yıldız, undefinedlkay, Rezapour, Rezvaneh, Aref, Samin, Dinh, Ly, Diesner, Jana, Drutsa, Alexey, Ustalov, Dmitry, Popov, Nikita, Baidakova, Daria, Mishra, Shubhanshu, Gopalan, Arjun, Juan, Da-Cheng, Ilharco Magalhaes, Cesar, Ferng, Chun-Sung, Heydon, Allan, Lu, Chun-Ta, Pham, Philip, Yu, George, Fan, Yicheng, Wang, Yueqi, Laurent, Florian, Schraner, Yanick, Scheller, Christian, Mohanty, Sharada, Chen, Jiawei, Wang, Xiang, Feng, Fuli, He, Xiangnan, Teinemaa, Irene, Albert, Javier, Goldenberg, Dmitri, Vasile, Flavian, Rohde, David, Jeunen, Olivier, Benhalloum, Amine, Sakhi, Otmane, Rong, Yu, Huang, Wenbing, Xu, Tingyang, Bian, Yatao, Cheng, Hong, Sun, Fuchun, Huang, Junzhou, Fakhraei, Shobeir, Faloutsos, Christos, Çelebi, Onur, Müller, Martin, Schneider, Manuel, Altunina, Olesia, Wingerath, Wolfram, Wollmer, Benjamin, Gessert, Felix, Succo, Stephan, Ritter, Norbert, Courdier, Evann, Avram, Tudor Mihai, Cvetinovic, Dragan, Tsinadze, Levan, Jose, Johny, Howell, Rose, Koenig, Mario, Defferrard, Michaël, Kenthapadi, Krishnaram, Packer, Ben, Sameki, Mehrnoosh, and Sephus, Nashlie In Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021 2021 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3442442.3453701]
  19. HedgeCut: Maintaining Randomised Trees for Low-Latency Machine Unlearning Schelter, Sebastian, Grafberger, Stefan, and Dunning, Ted In Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data 2021 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3448016.3457239]
  20. MLINSPECT: A Data Distribution Debugger for Machine Learning Pipelines Grafberger, Stefan, Guha, Shubha, Stoyanovich, Julia, and Schelter, Sebastian In Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data 2021 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3448016.3452759]
  21. Automating Data Quality Validation for Dynamic Data Ingestion Redyuk, Sergey, Kaoudi, Zoi, Markl, Volker, and Schelter, Sebastian In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2021, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 23 - 26, 2021 2021 [Link] [DOI:10.5441/002/edbt.2021.07]
  22. JENGA - A Framework to Study the Impact of Data Errors on the Predictions of Machine Learning Models Schelter, Sebastian, Rukat, Tammo, and Biessmann, Felix In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2021, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 23 - 26, 2021 2021 [Link] [DOI:10.5441/002/edbt.2021.63]
  23. Lightweight Inspection of Data Preprocessing in Native Machine Learning Pipelines Grafberger, Stefan, Stoyanovich, Julia, and Schelter, Sebastian In 11th Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research, CIDR 2021, Virtual Event, January 11-15, 2021, Online Proceedings 2021 [Link]


  1. Towards Olfactory Information Extraction from Text: A Case Study on Detecting Smell Experiences in Novels Brate, Ryan, Groth, Paul, and Erp, Marieke In Proceedings of the The 4th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature 2020 [Abs] [Link]
  2. Dataset Reuse: Toward Translating Principles to Practice Koesten, Laura, Vougiouklis, Pavlos, Simperl, Elena, and Groth, Paul Patterns 2020 [Link] [DOI:10.1016/j.patter.2020.100136]
  3. Effective distributed representations for academic expert search Berger, Mark, Zavrel, Jakub, and Groth, Paul In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing at EMNLP 2020 [Abs] [Link]
  4. Dataset search: a survey Chapman, Adriane, Simperl, Elena, Koesten, Laura, Konstantinidis, George, Ibáñez, Luis-Daniel, Kacprzak, Emilia, and Groth, Paul The VLDB Journal 2020 [arXiv] [Link] [DOI:10.1007/s00778-019-00564-x]
  5. Introduction – FAIR data, systems and analysis Groth, Paul, and Dumontier, Michel Data Science 2020 [Link] [DOI:10.3233/DS-200029]
  6. Fairness-Aware Instrumentation of Preprocessing Pipelines for Machine Learning Yang, Ke, Huang, Biao, Stoyanovich, Julia, and Schelter, Sebastian In Workshop on Human-In-the-Loop Data Analytics (HILDA’20) 2020 [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3398730.3399194]
  7. Towards Entity Spaces Erp, Marieke, and Groth, Paul In Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2020 [Abs] [Link]
  8. Lost or Found? Discovering Data Needed for Research Gregory, Kathleen, Groth, Paul, Scharnhorst, Andrea, and Wyatt, Sally Harvard Data Science Review 2020 [Link] [DOI:10.1162/99608f92.e38165eb]
  9. PANDAcap: A Framework for Streamlining Collection of Full-System Traces Stamatogiannakis, Manolis, Bos, Herbert, and Groth, Paul In EuroSec 2020 [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3380786.3391396] [Code]
  10. Estimating the imageability of words by mining visual characteristics from crawled image data Kastner, Marc A., Ide, Ichiro, Nack, Frank, Kawanishi, Yasutomo, Hirayama, Takatsugu, Deguchi, Daisuke, and Murase, Hiroshi Multimedia Tools and Applications 2020 [Link] [DOI:10.1007/s11042-019-08571-4]
  11. FAIR Data Reuse – the Path through Data Citation Groth, Paul, Cousijn, Helena, Clark, Tim, and Goble, Carole Data Intelligence 2020 [Link] [DOI:10.1162/dint_a_00030]
  12. Message Passing Query Embedding Daza, Daniel, and Cochez, Michael In ICML Workshop - Graph Representation Learning and Beyond 2020 [arXiv] [Link]
  13. The state of altmetrics: a tenth anniversary celebration Altmetric Engineering, , Konkiel, Stacy, Priem, Jason, Adie, Euan, Derrick, Gemma, Didegah, Fereshteh, Groth, Paul, Neylon, Cameron, Shenmeng Xu, , Zahedi, Zohreh, Bowman, Timothy, Vanash M Patel, , Haunschild, Robin, Bornmann, Lutz, Taylor, Mike, Ross, Liesa, Theng, Yin-Leng, Hassan, Saeed-Ul, and Aljohani, Naif R. 2020 [Link] [DOI:10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.13010000.V2]
  14. CSSA’20: Workshop on Combining Symbolic and Sub-Symbolic Methods and Their Applications Alam, Mehwish, Groth, Paul, Hitzler, Pascal, Paulheim, Heiko, Sack, Harald, and Tresp, Volker In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management 2020 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1145/3340531.3414072]
  15. ICIDS2020 Panel: Building the Discipline of Interactive Digital Narratives Bernstein, Mark, Palosaari Eladhari, Mirjam, Koenitz, Hartmut, Louchart, Sandy, Nack, Frank, Martens, Chris, Rossi, Giulia Carla, Bosser, Anne-Gwenn, and Millard, David E. In Interactive Storytelling 2020 [Abs] [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-62516-0_1]
  16. Technical Perspective: Query Optimization for Faster Deep CNN Explanations Schelter, Sebastian ACM SIGMOD Record 2020 [Link]
  17. Apache Mahout: Machine Learning on Distributed Dataflow Systems Anil, Robin, Capan, Gokhan, Drost-Fromm, Isabel, Dunning, Ted, Friedman, Ellen, Grant, Trevor, Quinn, Shannon, Ranjan, Paritosh, Schelter, Sebastian, and Yılmazel, Özgür Journal of Machine Learning Research 2020 [Link]
  18. Semantic Systems. In the Era of Knowledge Graphs - 16th International Conference on Semantic Systems, SEMANTiCS 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 7-10, 2020, Proceedings Blomqvist, Eva, Groth, Paul, Boer, Victor, Pellegrini, Tassilo, Alam, Mehwish, Käfer, Tobias, Kieseberg, Peter, Kirrane, Sabrina, Meroño-Peñuela, Albert, and Pandit, Harshvardhan J. 2020 [Link] [DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-59833-4]
  19. A longitudinal analysis of university rankings Selten, Friso, Neylon, Cameron, Huang, Chun-Kai, and Groth, Paul Quantitative Science Studies 2020 [Link] [DOI:10.1162/qss_a_00052]


  1. How Relevant Is Your Choice? Kolhoff, Lobke, and Nack, Frank In ICIDS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11869 2019 [Abs]
  2. Transfer Learning for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition with BioBERT Symeonidou, Anthi, Sazonau, Viachaslau, and Groth, Paul In Proceedings of the Posters and Demo Track of the 15th International Conference on Semantic Systems co-located with 15th International Conference on Semantic Systems (SEMANTiCS 2019), Karlsruhe, Germany, September 9th - to - 12th, 2019. 2019 [Link]
  3. Understanding data search as a socio-technical practice Gregory, Kathleen M, Cousijn, Helena, Groth, Paul, Scharnhorst, Andrea, and Wyatt, Sally Journal of Information Science 2019 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1177/0165551519837182]
  4. Searching Data: A Review of Observational Data Retrieval Practices in Selected Disciplines Gregory, Kathleen, Groth, Paul, Cousijn, Helena, Scharnhorst, Andrea, and Wyatt, Sally Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2019 [Abs] [Link] [DOI:10.1002/asi.24165]
  5. End-to-End Learning for Answering Structured Queries Directly over Text Groth, Paul T., Scerri, Antony, Daniel, Ron, and Allen, Bradley P. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs (DL4KG2019) Co-located with the 16th Extended Semantic Web Conference 2019 (ESWC 2019), Portoroz, Slovenia, June 2, 2019. 2019 [arXiv] [Link]


  1. Open Information Extraction on Scientific Text: An Evaluation Groth, Paul T., Lauruhn, Michael, Scerri, Antony, and Daniel, Ron In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING 2018, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, August 20-26, 2018 2018 [Link]
  2. Elsevier’s Healthcare Knowledge Graph and the Case for Enterprise Level Linked Data Standards DeJong, Alex, Bord, Radmila, Dowling, Will, Hoekstra, Rinke, Moquin, Ryan, O, Charlie, Samarasinghe, Mevan, Snyder, Paul, Stanley, Craig, Tordai, Anna, Trefry, Michael, and Groth, Paul T. In Proceedings of the ISWC 2018 Posters & Demonstrations, Industry and Blue Sky Ideas Tracks co-located with 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2018), Monterey, USA, October 8th - to - 12th, 2018. 2018 [Link]
  3. Use of Internal Testing Data to Help Determine Compensation for Crowdsourcing Tasks Lauruhn, Michael, Groth, Paul T., Harper, Corey A., and Deus, Helena F. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Augmenting Intelligence with Humans\--in-\-the-\-Loop co-located with 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2018), Monterey, California, October 9th, 2018. 2018 [Link]